Abdelwadoud al-saidi
Master IT University of Kairouan

The digital world soon developed with our reality and merged into the virtual world that touches all aspects of our lives in all its details and even became affecting it.
It has become clear that it is noticed to accelerate the pattern of development that humanity lives in all its activities by taking advantage of the jobs of the digital revolution that we live in or rather the smart revolution that has become options that contribute to raising the return on investments or in the competitive value of the service or promotion in the quality and well -being of life for individual or societies.
Among the activities that Muslim societies are keen to perform in the best way are the rituals of pilgrimage of Elhajj or Umrah and what is included in the pillars. It is a season that allows Muslims from all over the world to meet in one place at the same time to perform these rituals. This raises many challenges in managing regiments and controlling their flow to smoothly provide comfort to pilgrims.
With the development of the infrastructure and the increasing number of pilgrims and pilgrims, regiments management becomes more sensitive and complicated. In this context, a study launched by Ultimate International University in July 2020, was interested in developing a smart digital system that helps manage pilgrims. This platform allows for present and accurate information, but rather is prepared with a strategic plan for all scenarios through the Risk Intelligence feature that you pre-alert and sensitize by making an amendment or corrective decisions based on the data they collected at every moment and deals with automatic learning systems deployed in artificial intelligence Listed in the system.
Ultimate International University indicated in this study that this smart system helps to manage the flow of regiments with the good exploitation of the available spaces as it then adapts to the governor of all the data and changes that occur to the flow of pilgrimage and Umrah delegations through the Real-Time Impact feature. In addition to several services that this system can provide to the beneficiaries of it, whether they are managers and supervisors of the rituals of Hajj and Umrah or pilgrims alike.
The strengthening of the rituals is a smart information system that raises the capabilities of the competent authorities in managing the Holy Places and making them the fastest response and efficiency in front of all the changes that can occur with any intervention in this field.